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Updates to Food Safety Courses for Dairy, Air Hoses, Maintenance, CIP, and More

By Product Management Team |

We’ve updated dozens of food safety courses over the past couple of years. This round of twelve courses includes a collection for dairy industry clients as well as a few covering clean-in-place, air hose safety, and more.

You’ll see our standard use of narrative storytelling in these course updates because stories help with learning and comprehension. And we’ve added scenario-based questions to help connect the lessons to the real world. Our latest food safety updates focus on topics specific to companies in the dairy industry, like pasteurization and raw milk handling, as well as dairy variants on common courses. They also include cleaning and maintenance courses that apply to many segments of the food industry. You’ll notice in the list of courses below that several have updated titles.

Training course slide on blue-green background. Image on left side shows a stainless steel milk processing vat and piping. Text in of
Course TitleCourse CodeFormer Course Title
CIP: IntroductionUDM0203Same
Pasteurization: IntroductionUDM15DSame
Raw Milk Receiving: Process OverviewUDM16DSame
Preventive Controls: Overview (Dairy)UDM0201DSame
Personal Hygiene (Fluid Products)UDM70DSame
Air Hose SafetyUDM29Same
Maintenance: GMPsUDMS3Maintenance Personnel GMPs
Preventing Food Contamination: DairyUDM2DPreventing Food Contamination – Dairy
Personal Hygiene: Basics (Dairy)UDM5DPromoting Personal Hygiene (Dairy)
Hand Washing: Effective Techniques (Dairy)UDM6DEffective Hand Washing Techniques (Dairy)
Listeria: Understanding the Danger to Food (Dairy)UDM12DListeria: Understanding Its Dangers to Food (Dairy)
Dangerous Microorganisms in Food Manufacturing: REFRESHER (Dairy)UDM22DBacteria Basics – Dairy

All these courses are at the parent level so the new titles will flow into your Learning Plans without any issues. The final course in the list above is a rare Alchemy reclassification. We support you with many “REFRESHER” courses to help reinforce key topics during your annual training cycle, and in this case, it made the most sense to convert this existing course into a complement to the Dangerous Microorganisms topic.

Training course screen shot on a blue-green background. Image on left shows man in orange hard hat, gray button-down shirt, and navy pants tugging on a red hose with his left hand. The hose gun is in the man's right hand and he's facing us, looking down. The hose is stuck underneath a rectangular stainless steel machine with 2 fat legs. The background is metal piping and a red circle with a white X is in the upper right of the photo. Off-white text is on the right side of the screen.

Course Retirements
Whenever we update a full category of courses, we re-consider all the topics together. This practice sometimes results in reshaping our curriculum, which may lead to some course retirements. That’s true again in this case and here are six courses we’ll be retiring on 4/10/24.

Title of Course Being RetiredCourse CodeReplacement Course
Raw Milk Receiving: Process Overview (Canada)  UDM16DCRaw Milk Receiving: Process Overview – UDM16D
Bacteria Basics – Dairy (Metric)UDM22DCBacteria Basics (Dairy) – UDM22D
Pasteurization: Introduction (Canada)UDM15DCPasteurization: Introduction – UDM15D
Lean ManufacturingUEM22Lean Manufacturing Category of Courses
Lean Manufacturing (Lactovegetarian)UEM022LLean Manufacturing Category of Courses
COVID-19: Emergency Temporary StandardUEM0211COVID-19: Overview – UBM030

The table shows courses we suggest you use as replacements. If you wish to continue using one or more of the courses we are retiring, please use Alchemy Creator to download the course before 4/10/24 and create a customer-specific version.

If you include either of the Lean Manufacturing or the COVID-19 courses in an ongoing Learning Plan, because they are parent-level courses, you’ll need to remove or replace the course so the Learning Plan can be completed. The title changes to the first 3 retiring courses listed will not disrupt Learning Plans.

Your training program will be better if we hear input from you on the features and solutions you need. We appreciate your partnership. Please send your ideas and feedback to


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