New Smart Reports for User Progress and More
We know reporting is a big part of your training program, and we launched our Smart reports years ago to give you more ownership about what your reporting looks like. In the last month, we’ve added 3 more Smart reports that help you easily view, get insights, and share your success and opportunities. See the new reports in your Alchemy Manager reporting center, and you can read more about each one below.
User Progress Smart Report
This is our latest Smart report and one that clients have been asking us for. If you regularly use the User Status Report, you’ll want to waste no time in getting into this one. The User Progress Report helps you find the training statuses for multiple users and multiple courses, and you’ll have the ability of Smart reports to filter data, add and move columns, and share it with others on your team. Available columns that are not in the legacy report include:
- User’s score
- Passing score
- Course delivery method

This Smart report might be your new favorite as it gives you a total view of how your workers are succeeding in their training plans. You’ll see it in the Training Records section.
Activity Results Smart Report
This new report gives you an easy view into deeper data to better understand which workers may need more assistance. The Activity Results Report shows you the Test questions for different activities/courses along with each employee’s answers, their overall score, and the passing score needed. This can be a lot of data, but the Smart report lets you easily change the reporting dates or filter on groups, sites, or workers. Unlike other Smart reports, this one also allows you click on any data point in the report to see even more details on any record. Look for this Smart report in the Training Summary section.
Qualification Requirement Status Smart Report
If you’re using Alchemy Playbook, this adds to your reporting suite. It goes deeper than the Detailed Qualifications Report by displaying the individual activities required for each job qualification. You’ll see the activity status by employee and which jobs they’re qualified to perform. This is a nice complement to the other two Playbook Smart reports, and you’ll find it helpful in identifying what’s next for any given employee to become qualified. This report is in the reporting center where you’d expect – in the Qualifications (Playbook) section.

We trust these new Smart reports will provide value in your training administration efforts. We listen to clients carefully in building our solutions. Please join the conversation by sending your ideas and comments to