Alchemy Manager Updates Enhance Learning Management
Alchemy Manager is integral to the entire Alchemy platform, and we work to continuously improve it to deliver a strong solution for you. We recently added an option to help improve Learning Plan completion rates and support for AICC courses to help you capture more of your worker learning and development in Alchemy Manager.
Learning Plan Late Completions Option
Learning Plans enable you to assign training to users with due dates to help ensure they complete training in a timely manner – but once the due date came and went, the user could no longer see the Learning plan.
Now clients have an option to allow late completions of Learning Plans which keeps them visible to the user while conveying urgency with a “past due” message. This second chance will help increase training completion and keep users focused on their goals.
This Manager option is only available for Fixed Date Learning Plans (non-repeating only). You can select the extra time to allow, up to 30 days. During this grace period, workers will continue to see Learning Plans in eLearning and will receive email notifications that their training is past due.

AICC-Formatted Courses Supported
Alchemy provides hundreds of courses to clients to assist them in developing their workers. But at times, there are specialized courses from other providers, such as LinkedIn Learning, that you want employees to be able to access and receive credit for through the Alchemy platform.
To further enable clients to track all their training in Alchemy, we now support AICC content from these other providers in eLearning. This adds to our long-standing support of SCORM content files, the most common format in the industry.

These changes are some of the ways Alchemy Manager is continuing to become a more powerful tool to use in managing your company’s learning and development.
We invite you to comment on these changes and send any other ideas or questions to