Updated Coach Observations for SQF Code Edition 9

We have updated all SQF observations in Alchemy Coach to align with SQF Code Edition 9. The SQF Code Edition 9 implementation date is May 24, 2021. These updated observations will help better prepare you and your employees for a successful audit on the new Code requirements.
IMPORTANT: The SQF Edition 8 observations will be retired – and will no longer be available – on May 12, 2021. Any learning plans that incorporate them will not complete as of May 12 and need to be recreated using the new Edition 9 observations.
This chart shows the retiring observation titles along with the new/updated title for the SQF Code Edition 9 observation titles.
SQF 2.1 Management Commitment |
SQF Management Commitment |
SQF 2.2 Document Control and Records |
SQF Document Control and Records |
SQF 2.3 Specification and Product Development |
SQF Specifications, Formulas, Realization, and Supplier Approval |
SQF 2.4 Attaining Food Safety |
< This content is being incorporated into a new Food Safety Culture observation. > |
SQF 2.5 SQF System Verification |
SQF Food Safety System |
SQF 2.6 Product Identification, Trace, Withdrawal, and Recall |
SQF Product Traceability and Crisis Management |
SQF 2.7 Site Security |
SQF Food Defense and Food Fraud |
SQF 2.8 Identity Preserved Foods |
SQF Allergen Management |
SQF 2.9 Training |
SQF Training |
NOTE: A major component of SQF Code Edition 9 updates is the measurement of food safety culture as part of the audit requirements. As such, we have also created a new Coach observation, “Culture: Food Safety” in the “Culture” category of Coach. Read more about the new Food Safety Culture observation here.
Observation Update Details
For each updated observation:
Instructions were simplified to remove numerical references,
Code reference numbering was removed from each question,
A few questions were edited for clarity.
Additional updates are detailed below.
SQF Management Commitment
Section headers were updated to reflect the recent updates to the SQF Code.
A new question on actions to take if food safety problems are identified was added.
SQF Specifications, Formulas, Realization, and Supplier Approval
A new section on approved supplier programs was added.
SQF Food Safety System
The section on approved supplier programs was removed (this updated content was added to title above).
New sections on product inspection/analysis and product reword were added.
SQF Product Traceability and Crisis Management
A question was added concerning the topic of product start-up procedures.
A question was removed regarding product labeling.
SQF Food Defense and Food Fraud
A question was added concerning the topic of employee awareness of food fraud.
SQF Allergen Management
A question was added concerning the topic of allergens brought into a facility (such as for personal meals).
SQF Training
A few questions were removed to simplify the observation.
Please let us know how the updated observations are working for you. And, as always, contact Support if you need any assistance.